
Aqua Rel by Darja Brouwers

©Darja Brouwers

©Darja Brouwers

A detail of a new aquarel I'm working on. Inspired by those cool glasses of Ace and Tate. 

Someday, when my eyes are in need of some clear vision ;), I definitely go get myself one of their beautiful glasses! It would be a bit weird to say 'I can't wait...' but I think you know what I mean ;))


Aquarel in progress by Darja Brouwers

Gisteren deelde ik al even een sneakpeak op Instagram (darja_nl) van het prille begin van een nieuwe aquarel: 'The start of something new... I'm curious what the process will bring. Some sunglasses? Some weird facepaint? Will there be an edge, or...? I'm always excited about this : )'
Wordt vervolgd!